Produkt-Nr.: 2904

Product details:
   - Eiskratzer Claw
   - 2/0 coloured (pad printing)

product description:

Zum Eisschaben und Eisbrechen.

Informationen zu den benötigten Druckdaten und
der Druckfläche folgen in kürze.

Gerne senden wir Ihnen die benötigten
Informationen via E-Mail.

Default production:
Delivery 9-10 working days
after approval*
Run netto brutto
100 250,69 € 298,32 €
200 395,26 € 470,36 €
300 537,10 € 639,15 €
400 696,21 € 828,49 €
500 838,64 € 997,98 €
750 1.210,29 € 1.440,25 €
1.000 1.581,02 € 1.881,41 €
1.250 1.951,01 € 2.321,70 €
1.500 2.303,98 € 2.741,74 €
2.000 3.041,29 € 3.619,13 €
2.500 3.776,98 € 4.494,61 €
3.000 4.494,94 € 5.348,97 €
3.500 5.228,15 € 6.221,50 €
4.000 5.960,37 € 7.092,85 €
4.500 6.675,28 € 7.943,58 €
5.000 7.405,80 € 8.812,90 €
6.000 8.848,27 € 10.529,44 €
7.000 10.288,19 € 12.242,95 €
8.000 11.742,31 € 13.973,35 €
9.000 13.178,02 € 15.681,84 €
10.000 14.611,93 € 17.388,20 €

* all delivery time frames are based on our experience in the past, we can realize the delivery within the given time frame in 95% of orders. Some orders may take longer due to distance of shipping or other reasons e.g. regional holidays or similar.
Essential for the in time production is the correct order in our shop system AND correct files until 9 AM - overnight until 7 AM
In single cases the delivery can take longer than the time given aboven.
As soon as the shipping company take over your package - you will be respoinsible for any regards related to shipping.
Working days are Monday to Friday. We are neither producing nor delivering on Saturdays and Sundays.